In this article I’m going to explain the way we have configured your system to maximize the follow-up process of your members and how you can write excellent mlm follow up emails for your team. 

Starting with a New Lead

The first goal is to set an appointment with the prospect to watch a presentation either at a given time on the conference call schedule or via a 3rd party tool like a video presentation or webinar. 

New Business leads start with the following attributes:
List: Business Prospects
Status: New Prospect
Tab: New Prospects
*Note: a tab is just a grouping of statuses used to group your contacts when you make outbound calls. 

When you first get a lead from your website they start out in the Business Prospects List – ( at this stage the user is just trying to reach out to the prospect to see if they can set the appointment. I normally don’t put autoresponders on this list because if the user doesn’t process their contact for a while you don’t want a prospect that has been scheduled to an presentation getting an email to give you a call to set up an appointment.)

As you make your calls you have an opportunity in the system to send instant emails saying, hey I just tried reaching out to you) these are more effective in the early stages as they are more personal and time specific vs. automated emails in my opinion. 

Since we users to make sure their update their contacts, we show them that to get their email sequence working for them they need to tell the system that you called your prospect and couldn’t reach them. (this gets them in the habit of using the system and at a perfect time because since you called them twice or three times and could not connect now is a good time to get the system working for you to reach out to that prospect for you. At this point the prospect is less likely to pickup the phone but is more likely to respond to your emails since they have seen your voicemails. Responding to an email becomes the path of least resistance rather than getting another call.

If you cant connect with the prospect the first outcome they process would be either “called no answer” or “called left message” both of these options set the contact in the contact manager to the “callback” status so they move out of your “new prospect” tab to your “callbacks” tab. At this point they are still in the email list “Business Prospects”. 

What is an outcome?

An outcome is a series of recommended actions for a given scenario you have with a prospect.
example: “called no answer” recommends that you move the contact to your call backs tab, change their status to called no answer and leave them on the current Business prospects list.

If you can’t connect a second time you can choose the “called second time” outcome which will update them to “called twice” status and they will remain in the callbacks tab. 

If you can’t connect a third time you have the option to let the system know that you don’t want to call that person anymore and you want the system to start trying to get them on the phone with you instead.

To do this you chose “called 3 times –disqualify” outcome. This changes the contacts status to “disqualified” and their list to “disqualified”

Note: since you won’t be calling them again the the “disqualified” status does not show up on any of the tabs in your contact manager to keep your call list neat an tidy and keep your members focus on the prospects they need to work.

Here is a video that walks you through this process showing the system: 

The Disqualified List Email Campaign

The disqualified list (which could be called the couldn’t connect or get them to watch a presentation ) is where one of your most important autoresponder sequences is.

The goal of this list is to peak the prospects curiosity and interest in the product or business so if it happens to be a better time for them in their life they either

a) reply to your autoresponder email asking for info or

b) pick up the phone and call you

c) passively review some content that motivates them to change

d) reply to your email with a question to at least start the dialogue

Your goal at this step is to get them to commit to watching a presentation or watching a their party tool like a video presentation or webinar. 


The other option other than disqualified is “Scheduled Appointment” or “Sent information and Follow-up” these are your goals.

* note send information and follow-up triggers the calendar because we always recommend if you are sending a third party tool like a video presentation, audio recording, webinar that you always book a time to re-connect with the prospect after they view the third party tool. 

Example: If I send you this video when will you have time to watch it?.. They say: I can watch it tonight You say:Ok so if I call you on Monday at 9pm to re-connect will you have had enough time to take a look? They say yes or no and you book them in your calendar. 

This is important so your follow-up doesn’t die before you get a yes or no, drive this home with your team and you will see much better duplication in your team follow-up.

Now that you have booked an appointment or sent a third party tool you just have to make sure they have watched your third party tool when you call them on your specified time or if it is a live call or even an in home presentation you just have to make sure they show up to the call or event with you.

If they are a no show

you can reach out to them, if you get a hold of them you can choose the outcome “Needs to reschedule” which does the exact same thing as “schedule an appointment”. If you can’t get ahold of them you can either choose called left message if you want to call them back or you can choose Disqualify to put them back to getting the “disqualified” email campaign. 

Or they show up for the presentation. 

Once they have viewed a presentation you are just looking to answer their remaining questions with some additional information, a Yes to get started,  or a No for now.

If they want Additional information

use the “send information and follow-up” outcome this allows you to alter what you send them each time you use it if you like and prompts you to set a follow-up time. *just like you did the first time. Again you should always be setting up a follow-up appointment leading them to the answers of their questions, setting up a three way call with a leader or giving them a different video until they have seen enough and want to get started or decide its not for them.

If they don’t have anything concerning them

now is the time to say “well is sounds to me like you are ready to get started” and sign them up.

In this case you can choose “became business builder” or “became customer” depending on what they were signing up for. 

If they are not interested

choose the outcome “No for Now (seen presentation)”

This is another great opportunity for an email campaign.

No for Now (Seen Presentation) List Email Campaign

The goal of the “No for Now (seen presentation)” list is to remind your prospect that other people chose a different path and they chose YES.

Show their growth their success. Tell success stories about your business and your product. Each email should not push them to join, let them come to that conclusion themselves by showing them what they are missing out on. This list is all about timing, not timing for you but timing for them in their life. Now might not be the time, but things change and one of your emails 6 months from now might just be the one that makes them say enough is enough I want the success this team is having. They will come back without you asking when they are ready. This list just lets them be a fly on the wall to see how well you are doing so they can keep tabs on wether or not it was a good decision to say no. Give them social proof that shows them otherwise. 

*be passive with less email frequency than “disqualified” list. About an email one every two weeks. Not too much that they unsubscribe but just enough that they are following your journey without being bothered by it.


Two other HUGE opportunities for email campaigns:


The Customer List Email Campaign

Customer List: The customer list should not be overlooked. It should include tips on how to get the best customer experience, how to shop with the company, and is a key place to share testimonials of people who started as customers who loved the products first and love the products so much the started to share the products. Share success stories of people that were ONLY interested in the product but turned out to be an amazing life changing business for them. 

( because these testimonials could be the people you are talking to in this customer list.)


Business Builder list Email Campaign

Don’t forget your business builders. This list although should be getting email broadcasts on a regular basis to get them to join your training calls and motivate them to grow their business you can re-purpose your best training calls that you have already done by recording them and adding it to your email campaign to drip business building tips to your business builders on auto-pilot. The more you help this group the better.  Simple weekly emails the give motivational reminder work well here with a call to action to login to their back office and call X number of contacts. Don’t have contacts to call read this article. You get the idea. Let the system emails work for you. 



Example emails for The disqualified list: 


Subject: checking in.

Hi ~~firstname~~, 

Let’s face it. Things aren’t the way they used to be.
What’s worse is that these harder times are here to stay.
If you need to earn a couple extra bucks each month I’d love to show you how.   

Let me know by replying to this email or just give a call, there is never any pressure, we are just here to see if this would be a good fit for you.

My best number is ~~ownersphone~~
Or, if you like, just jot down a couple of quick questions in a reply.
Talk to you SOON,
~~ownersfirstname~~ ~~ownerslastname~~

Subject: Hey ~~firstname~~

Hi ~~firstname~~, Too many days and not enough dollars in every month??? It’s sad, but that’s pretty much the standard now. If you have this problem, perhaps I can help. I know that life can sometimes get in the way. But, this can definitely fit into your tight schedule. Plus, it can toss a couple extra bucks at that ‘end of the month’ problem.
Shoot me a quick email if you want to take a look at how we do what we do.
If not that is ok too, there is never any pressure, it’s either for you or not.

(shoot me an email if you are not interested and I will stop sending emails)

Also feel free to give me a call. Here’s my best number: ~~ownersphone~~ Talk to you SOON, ~~ownersfirstname~~ ~~ownerslastname~~

Subject: Working smarter not harder

Hi ~~firstname~~,

I keep hearing stories of moms, dads, college kids, busy barbers, plumbers and even accountants that are making a few hundred to a few thousand per month extra on top of their regular job. 

It is all about “working smarter not harder”… and you can do that too…
I love to show people how to do just that and i’d love to show you.
Its not get rich quick, it does take effort but its not as hard as you might think to get yourself a nice monthly income on the side of what you are already doing. 
It works sort of like if you were to write a book and get paid over and over for the sales of that book, only you don’t have to write anything.   

You just follow a proven system we provide. 

If you prefer not to chat on the phone I can send you the info via email, just hit reply and let me know you want some details. 

Again no pressure, take a look and if you if it’s not for you, its not for you. 
~~ownersfirstname~~ ~~ownerslastname~~

Subject: Do you check this email?

Hi ~~firstname~~, 

I just wanted to follow-up, a few weeks ago you were looking to earn some extra income from home and I still have not been able to get in touch.

Is that something that you are still interested in?

If not just reply to let me know so I can take you off my list of people to follow-up with.

All the best,

~~ownersfirstname~~ ~~ownerslastname~~

Subject: Residual Income is the best

Hi ~~firstname~~, 

Most people don’t know what residual income is so I thought I would explain it. 

In simple terms, its income you earn on a repeat basis for doing a single effort. 

This means work once, get paid over and over for that effort. 

Imagine if you got paid over an over for the work you do at your job.

This means every time you worked you would earn even more money, essentially giving you a raise every time you went to work. 

Well this is exactly how our program is designed. 

If you would like to start growing your income, you need to start working on things that continue to pay you long after you do the work so you can continue to grow your income.

If you keep doing what you are doing you will stay right where you have always been.

If this is something you want to learn more about, 

Reply to this email or call and I’ll show you how it all works. 

~~ownersfirstname~~ ~~ownerslastname~~